Did you miss seeing our display at Vancouver Mini-Maker Faire? Well, come out and see us at the Vancouver Art Gallery this weekend, June 21st and 22nd.
For the past year, members of the Vancouver LEGO Club have been building and facilitating the LEGO portion of Douglas Coupland’s everywhere is anywhere and everything is anything which is a major survey exhibition of his visual works.
We intend to build and have the kids play on that theme with our LEGO play brick. On the hour, we’ll be having short quick build contests for all youngsters to get involved in.
Our area will be run from 11am to 4pm, but there are fabulous child friendly activities happening throughout the entire Art Gallery. Download the Program Guide now
Make sure you bring some gum to put your mark on Douglas Coupland’s project gumhead.
Our sense of home, community and the world around us is affected by many influences. Join artists, musicians, dancers, performers and educators as they take youhere, there and everywhere! through a range of interactive activities, performances and hands-on workshops!
Featuring: The Cypress Street Band, DB Boyko and Sonic Playground, Malaspina Printmakers, The Now Society and The Vancouver Lego Club.
Douglas Coupland: everywhere is anywhere is anything is everything
May 31 to September 1, 2014
Douglas Coupland: everywhere is anywhere is anything is everything is the first major survey exhibition of the artist’s work and will be presented at the Vancouver Art Gallery from May 31-September 1, 2014. Douglas Coupland is an artist based in West Vancouver whose remarkably prolific production across a diverse range of media over the past 12 years addresses the singularity of Canadian culture, the ubiquity and power of language, as well as the ever-pervasive presence of technology in everyday life. Read more
Visit the exhibition website to learn more.