VLC Directors

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March, VLC Members are nominated and voted for positions as Club Directors.

The following members were elected on March 15, 2024 at an in-person meeting.

VLC Directors 2024/2025
President Allan Corbeil
Vice President Derek Brameyer Neil 
Technology Director Jeff Rose
Meeting Director Oliver Haderi
Secretary/Archiving Director Dave Barton
Treasurer John Kwok
Membership Director Deanna Martins
Publicity Director Val Dmitrieff
Directors at Large

 Kyler Storm

Sean Jackson

VLC’s Ambassador to The LEGO Group – Neil Snowball 

Many thanks to all who have served the VLC membership as a VLC director.



The following members were elected on March 10, 2023 at an in-person meeting.

VLC Directors 2023/2024
President Thanh Le (Thanh)
Vice President Neil Snowball (Snowy)
Technology Director Jeff Rose (jeffrose)
Meeting Director Kyler Storm (Kyler)
Secretary/Archiving Director Dave Barton (David Barton)
Treasurer John Kwok (JayKay)
Membership Director David Windhorst (Daveblueband)
Publicity Director Sean Jackson (Arrow)
Directors at Large Derek Brameyer  (DerekBrameyer)

VLC’s Ambassador to the LEGO Group – Pierre Chum

Previous Director list

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