VLC Choice Award – BrickCan 2024

Last year at BrickCan 2023, our membership introduced a VLC Choice Award to the many awards that are handed out over the weekend. We wanted to recognize a MOC (My Own Creation) that isn’t the biggest nor splashiest and that isn’t likely to win the Best in Show. We’re wanting to award it to a LEGO build that is small to medium size, that shows creativity, great parts usage, aesthetics, and/or just something that sets it apart from the rest. Our members nominate MOCs to be considered and then a panel of five makes the final decision.

This year the VLC Choice Award at BrickCan 2024 went to Sundae Joyride – Ice Cream Kids “Go Kart” – TsunamiK (Todd K). Way to go!

Photo by Alex Saar

“We were happy to select Sundae Joyride by Todd K as our VLC Choice winner this year. It had a super fun story, great aesthetics, and wonderful use of color and varied techniques. We felt that it was an iconic and family friendly build that encapsulated so much fun and whimsy. Congrats Todd!” – Derek Brameyer, designer of the VLC Choice award trophy.

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