March 2013 – Oakridge Lego Store Community Showcase – Tyler S.

Tyler S. is on a roll. He became one of our newest VLC members last week and then we chose his space MOCs to be displayed at the Oakridge Lego Store for the March 2013 Community Showcase. And then a few days later, I log on to Brothers Brick and saw one of his Space MOCs posted there.   What’s he up to next?  Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be out of this world.

The Moon Must Be Clean 

Lunar Duster - Alternative Controls #3

Click above to go to the Brother Brick article on Luner Duster

Mother Goose is the black feathered space ship at the top.  There’s a couple Space Pucks hovering in  middle left while the Garc Racer flies in the middle right.  Two Rover Moon Bugs can be seen traversing the planet surface.


Click on image above to see more photos of this display

Congratulations Tyler! Welcome to the club.  We look forward to seeing more of your space creations in the future and hope to heck that many of our upcoming public exhibits are set in space!

Click on photo above to see more MOCs by Tyler S.

Okay, so the VLC monthly community showcase can be found in the Duplo section again.



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