Thanks all who came out to the Vancouver Lego Store Grand Opening where a number of our members were volunteering their time over the past weekend to help make the Lego event Grand Opening weekend and the 8 foot R2-D2 build go smoothly.
Many of you were curious to find out where to find our next public display of Lego creations. I’m pleased to announce that up next will be the Surrey Museum located in Cloverdale.
The title of the show is Lego: Myths and Muses and we have chosen to depict the stories and mythologies of Greece, Rome, Persia (Troy), Egypt, Hades (the Underworld) and of course, it would not be complete without the lost city of Atlantis.
It’s been an ambitious project as there hasn’t really been an official Lego Ancient World’s theme to draw upon. Like many of the mythologies of long ago that were left up to interpretation and imagination, so to are our depictions of certain mythologies. Artistic license is being used and we certainly hope that you enjoy.
Watch out in the coming weeks for teaser photos of the layout, here and on our Twitter feed.!/vanlegoclub
From the famed lighthouse at Alexandria to the Greek underworld, explore fascinating histories and mythologies of the Mediterranean as told with LEGO®. The LEGO® Club of Vancouver presents a world of gods and goddesses, heroes and monsters from ancient times.
On display June 30 to September 15, 2012
Here is a micro rendition of what our layout is going to look like:
Address and Contact Information
17710-56A Avenue Surrey, BC
P: 604-592-6956
F: 604-592-6957
Tuesday to Friday 9:30am-5:30pm
Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays and Statutory Holidays
2012 admission to your museum has been generously sponsored by the Friends of the Surrey Museum & Archives Society through Endowment Fund income. Donations to the fund are welcome.
[ed: Although finances for many may be tight, please donate what you can, every dollar helps. And if you like what you see, please encourage others to come on out to see our display. Thanks. – VLC]
Visit the Surrey Museum website for the most current information.