As the year comes to a close, we at VLC are thrilled to reflect on the successes we have had over the past year and to look forward to what the future holds.
One of the highlights for our club this year has been the return to in-person events. After a two years of online meetings and virtual events, we were finally able to safely gather together again and participate in the meetings, activities, and events that bring us together as a club. It was a joy to be able to connect with our members in person once again and to see the enthusiasm and excitement they brought to our events.

In addition to returning to in-person events, we have also been working bringing back activities for our members during the monthly meetings. This has been a year of rebuilding for the club both in terms of getting active with our community and with each other. In this past year we have attended many new events, which have created foundations for future shows, and have started work on some of our biggest shows yet.

Finally, we are pleased to announce that our club roster has been growing steadily over the past year. We have welcomed many new members into our community, and we are excited to see how they will contribute to the club in the coming year.
As we look ahead to the future, we are filled with hope and excitement for all that is to come. We look forward to seeing you at Fan Expo 2023, Brickcan, and other events throughout the year.
If you’re interested in joining the VLC, please checkout or membership page for more details.