The Flash TV show episode S03E11 Dead or Alive

Some of you observant people have noticed our favourite toy appear in this week’s episode of The Flash tv show.   Well, as it turns out, two of our members, Dave Guedes and Allan Corbeil were instrumental in it’s creation.   While they couldn’t/wouldn’t tell us anything about it until it aired, you can see it for yourself, now.

You can catch a repeat of the episode this weekend.

If you’re not familiar with Vancouver, the area of town that it depicts is Victory Square located on the Downtown East Side which is home of the War Memorial Cenotaph.   Even Allan and Dave were kept in the dark about how it would actually be used, except they were told to keep it simpler than they had originally envisioned.   So while it may not win a MOC of the year award, it was never intended to be built that way. 

They did not supply the “astronaut” nor any of the minifigs.  They were just told to keep it as if one of the characters had built it to visually demonstrate what needed to be accomplished. 


And hey, isn’t that Draco Malfoy?  I mean Tom Felton!   And for those of you who don’t watch the show, yes the actor who plays Barry Allen (The Flash) is the same guy who played the mean Dalton Academy Warbler from Glee. 

I feel that they did a great job in recreating the area to their specifications.  You can compare the real area as it’s seen later in the episode or head to Google Streetview of the area.

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