Who has seen the LEGO Movie 2?

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Who has seen the LEGO Movie 2?

Post by AC »

So who has seen the Lego movie two and what are your thoughts on it ?

I liked it. I think I enjoyed the first movie more but this one wasn’t far off. The soundtrack was equally, well you know. The builds were great but I liked some of the builds more in the first movie.

Post here without revealing anything please. No spoilers.
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Re: Who has seen the LEGO Movie 2?

Post by KenmoreThompson »

This is hard to do without spoilers. But we'll all get a chance to gush about all that in time, I guess.

I enjoyed it. Someone commented that it wasn't as good as TLM, but it was a worthy sequel, and I agree. It's hard to avoid comparisons. It does bear mentioning that it wasn't as thematically fresh or innovative as the first one. It was a bit more cliche, but still very, very fun.

I also went to see the movie with someone who hadn't seen TLM, and it felt like it may have been less accessible than the first one for someone coming to it like that.
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